Our Learning Pods

Our Learning Pods

Learning pods are designed for children to explore themselves. It’s a space for them to learn the things they wish tolearn, in their own time, as per their preferred way of learning. The pods are designed to encourage curiosity, self-expression and to respect the diversity among our children.

The learning pods is a movement towards experiential leaning, where children can live and learn through engaging in the real world, learn through their own experiences and discover the world by and for themselves. We deeply intend to break free from the convential classroom learning, which only caters to the intellect and believes in delivering
information to the children and hope to move towards the a broader vision of education catering to the holistic needs of the child.

We believe the learning pods will enable every individual to deeply interact with their own worlds, find a fulfilling space for themselves and to fully engage with life.


We all know kids who when gifted a brand new toy car, will break and open up the toy car the very next day to satisfy their curiosity about how it works. Tinker shed is the space for all our kinaesthetic learners who love to break and create stuff in their own very tangible worlds. Here science and maths have practical applications and a ‘to do’ spirit to solve the very problems that exist in our society.


Art Studio

Art Studio is our emblem of beauty that brings hope. Inspired, we believe that children speak a 100 languages to express themselves, languages such as drawing, painting, pottery, clothing, etc. are spoken and made available to learn fluency.

Through these 100 languages we enable children to express our deeper emotions that helps us connect with our environment, feel reassured and helps to rebalance ourselves. Through art we appreciate our own environment.

Through art we focus on what really matters.


Digital Library

Library is our place of ideas. Ideas that make our culture, ideas that form an individual’s worldview. Hence, our vision with the pod is to create a space that provides easy and open access to what you need, when you need it and how you need it without dictating what to do with it. This space enables us to promote freedom, equality and service. Digital resources help us enlarge our vision.


Robotics Lab

Robotics lab, an integral part of a school when students programme physical robots, it becomes easier for them to understand the intricacies and capabilities of robots. They learn the skills needed to create precise and accurate instructions and have fun while learning valuable lessons.


Music & Dance Studio

Music & Dance (Body movements help and benefit everybody in general and every student in particular, some of its benefits are: Music education greatly helps in academic studies: Music develops abstract reasoning necessary for a academic success and mathematics and science. Music improves the ability of higher-level thinking.




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