Values & Vision

Gyan Peethika School fuels a perpetual renaissance, generating unparalleled intellectual, economic and social value. We integrate research with teaching, the artist with the scientific, the scholarly with the athletic, and the up-and-comer with the advantaged.

Our  diverse and kinetic community draws inspiration from every  discipline, sparks dynamic interactions and produces revelations  about the world we aspire to live in. With the drive to ask critical  questions and embrace new challenges, we are redefining  ourselves and the role of a school in a changing world.

Our Vision

Our vision is to build a place where pupils can confidently speak their mind, collaborate with other institutions/ educators and come up with innovative ideas to solve a problem. To perform & do things that they are passionate about.

Our vision is to build an institution where all individuals have a desire to explore and freedom to express their mind. An institution equipped with all facilities for learning and research, an environment filled with vibrancies of thoughts and synergies of passion, values to shape the individuals to become better citizens and minds with vigour to change the world for good.

We also want to be an institution where not only the students but also the teachers learn, live and grow from a personal and professional aspect. To ensure this we have proper six monthly teachers training and teacher’s engagement programs to help them achieve their career goals.

Our New identity

Change is the law of nature, and to embrace, adapt and master the change is the trait of the wise.

This new identity that stands on the footstone of cherished values and vision of our founding members will help us reinforce our beliefs and prepare our students to make their mark in future.

Keeping our traditions alive, we have used our flame from the original logo design and extended it with nurturing hands. The wreath along with our new tagline “Pursuing Excellence” adds to our identity and becomes a directional statement for all pupils and patrons.



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