
Disciplinary Rules

  • Students are supposed to come in proper school uniform. After taking the admission within seven days uniform must be arranged.
  • If any students come without uniform or incomplete uniform she/he will sent back to home and guardian/parents will be responsible for that.
  • Absenteeism without prior information will not be consider.
  • Students are supposed to follow the school’s rules and regulations strictly otherwise their names will be striked off from the registration.
  • Student’s attendance 75% is compulsory in school campus otherwise they will not be able to given any exams.


The student’s rustication will be based on followings:-

  1. Due to failure in examination.
  2. Indiscipline, misconduct and damaging of school property.
  3. Lack of cooperation from parents/ guardians.

Note: In any condition, fees will be not refunded.



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